The Chic Skirt for Women of Color

Saturday, June 29, 2013

First Lady Fridays

I know it's not Friday, but it's okay... I'm posting it anyways because it's so relevant for so many...

Women are so powerful and filled with their own unique grace, elegance and authority; this is a God given beauty and power that is admired across nationalities and cultures.

Today, I was out helping at an inter city mission in Miami, FL when I came across a beautiful palm tree root.  I've been in Miami on a little journey and happened to be sitting somewhere a few days ago, looked  down and saw a palm tree root. There  were so many of them lined up right next to one another and they were so thin.  This shocked me and I began to wonder why would the roots be so much thinner than most trees, like the beautiful Magnolia Trees of my Georgia Home.

This was new territory to me so I began to admire the genius of God, why did He make the trees roots of a palm tree so thin and so many in number for such a massive tree that had to go through so much.  I asked Him!  And the thought came to my mind, "Because the palm tree has to go through so much...and the roots are flexible this way for the storms and hurricanes come."

This reminded me of an image I had seen before of a palm tree and teaching on how the palm tree can weather through the toughest storms, bending with the fiercest winds, but not being uprooted.

This is the power of a praying woman!  We are palm trees with thin, beautiful roots meant to carry us with graceful flexibility through the storms of life.  We are palm trees of elegance and grace, meant to be admired and to bring refreshment during the hardest times of life.  We are the beautiful, all uniquely glistening as the sun shines down on our many shades.

Oh, the lessons we can learn from God's beautiful creation.

Be Inspired.  Be Encouraged.  And, most transformed!  Enjoy Beauty because you are!

Have a Blessed One,

Fashion Warrior~In the toughest of times, bend...don't fall.

I am like a palm tree, deeply rooted and made to conquer the storms of life (if they have to come). are you!

I thought this tree was magnificent and I even found out that its historic to the community I was in...

Another angle of me under a palm tree, this tree was massive and the roots climbed up the tree!

Be a tree, an entry and example to many other generations to come.  They will be the tree behind you (deeply rooted beautiful ones).

What do you think about my discoveries beautifuls?

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