The Chic Skirt for Women of Color

Monday, July 7, 2014

Protecting Your Natural Tresses

Cute Protective Styles

African- American woman everywhere are trading in their chemical treatments for a head full of healthy locks. Although we all have different textures of hair ranging from kinky to wavy, most of us are all aiming for the same goal, long healthy tresses. In order to achieve such a goal, we each have encountered the protective style at one point or another in our natural hair journey.

Now I have to admit, I have been natural for about 6 years now, and I am just now embracing protective styling. The delay was not only due to lack of knowledge, but I just didn't find protective styling to be cute. As years past however black women are finding new cute ways to protect their natural crowns. No matter what your style or fashion there is a protective style that fits you. My favorite has to be box braids, Marley and Senegalese Twists. I also admire those who can pull off wigs. They can wear a big curly fro one day and a bang bob cut the next. Here are a few categories to pick from when choosing your protective style:

Wigs are the most versatile when it comes to switching up your look. You can wear your hair silky-straight or kinky and big in a matter of seconds. Wigs are a no manipulation style, so you can give your natural hair a break (just don't neglect it).

Okay so buns aren't as versatile or fun as wigs, but they are great if you want to save money. There are tons of tutorials online that show you how to achieve that perfect bun with your own hair. Buns are super elegant and chic and bring the structure of the face out. Most importantly they tuck those fragile ends away, keeping them free from breakage.

Box Braids
Box Braids are a low manipulation style and are by my favorite protective style. I love the creativity that the individual braids bring. You can wear them up or let them hang. You can even mix and match colors for a more unique look. Box braids are for the creative. And they leave your scalp open, so you're free to wash and massage your hair.

Sew- ins
Sew-ins bring the protection of a wig, the elegance of a bun, and the versatility of box braids all in one. Sew-ins are one of the most popular protective styles because you can still achieve a straight or curly look without the hassle of taking off a wig every night. Because it is a no manipulation style however you must be cautious not to neglect your tresses. 

Marley Twists

Marley twists are fun and easy to do. Similar to box braids you can mix and match colors, wear up dos, braid it back, or leave it down. Marley twist however bring a more kinky and natural look, so they blend with natural hair easily. Be careful with washing them, unlike box braids they can poof and slip much easier.

Protective styles are great and are highly encouraged for your natural hair journey. With all the different choices, you are sure to find one that fits your fashion. Alway always however care for you natural hair during the duration of your style, through washing, moisturizing and sealing with oils. Otherwise you will do more harm than good.

Protective Styling is sure to be the go-to for African America women who want long healthy locks. Find the one that fits you!

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