(image source: That Igbo Chick)
Have you ever wanted the perfect eyebrows? Nowadays you can actually draw them on your face as you wish.Eyebrows make, sculpt and shape your whole face. If you can get your eyebrows to look amazing then you can truly enhance your whole face. Doing your eyebrows is actually not as hard as it seems. Here is a DIY video of the perfect eyebrows from Youtube Makeup Artist Jackie.
(video source: Make Up Game On Point).
We love that her eyebrows do not look fake or over done.
Jackie's eyebrows look so natural here and they truly enhance her face.
Here are some tips for eyebrows:
1. Make sure your eyebrows are done or tweezed prior to arching and filling them.
2. You can find cheaper concealers, brushes etc you do not have to buy the most expensive product to achieve beautiful looking eyebrows.
3. Adding lashes and eyeshadow can enhance your eyes even more.
4. Do what works for you. Your eyebrow arch and face shape may be different from someone elses so do not copy someone else in the pattern of your eyebrow arch but follow the shape of your own arch.
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